Monday, October 8, 2007

Twenty Niner

It was my 29th birthday on September 30th, if I can believe it. It was a pretty great birthday week. On Wednesday, my fiance Gregory took me to the LCD Soundsystem/Arcade Fire concert at Thanksgiving Point. It was terrific. On Friday, I had the day off of work, so I spent it taking bridal shots with the talented Rachel Thurston of www. up millcreek canyon. What a party! To prepare for that, my visionary friend Molly Hyer did my hair and makeup with some classic 40's glamour, and my dear friend Sarah Lovett consulted and kept us company. Friday night my amazing fiance Gregory went with me (despite me causing us to be late) to learn how to fox trot. The first man to ever go ballroom dancing with me. He wins the prize! Then, I acquired a cold. The only downer to the weekend. Saturday, I spent taking engagement shots with my splendid fiance Gregory, and the talented Rachel Thurston at the downtown SLC library despite an early season snowfall. Saturday night I dined on delicious Japanese food with my dearest friends, and then partook in some bowling with some more dear friends at the Ritz classic bowling. The extraordinary Caroline King graced us with delicious german chocolate cupcakes, and my fiance Greg delighted us with pictures of our rear ends while we aimed for a strike. Sunday I spent with my beloved family. What I'm trying to say of course, is that I would be nothing without my friends and family! I love you all!!!

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