Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Feeling Sheepish

So, I was all excited, er, well, maybe anxious is more the word to describe my feelings about finally starting my own blog. I thought it would be a good opportunity to record some of the stuff that is going on in my life--to act as a stand-in journal for the journal that I so often neglect. When I finally found a url that wasn't already taken, I promptly posted my first blog, only to find that I wasn't sure what else to really say. I had all these confused feelings about posting my thoughts on things on the world wide web. Not that anyone is even reading this blog at the moment, but, I had certain feelings that I didn't have anything new to share with anyone at the moment. I was sharing these sheepish feelings with my fiance, Greg, and he shared his own feelings that it's an opportunity to feed some creativity. Now that was a reminder I could use. Thank you, fiance! I have been saddened by what seems to me to be a significant loss of creativity in the last ten or so years. I tend to blame part of it on the eight years hiatus I took from dancing (my major creative outlet), and part of it on the near four-year marriage I was in, and in which I chose to suppress a great deal of emotion in some sort of survival experiment. Whatever the reason, I am renewed in my efforts to forge ahead with this blog thing. Go easy on me, I'm new at this.

1 comment:

virginiaoak said...

You're a natural! Mine ends up being travel logs of my day to day life...not my intention, but I too neglect my journal and figure this is all I got. Why not? I'm a fan for life. Can't wait to drink the creative juice. :)